We now offer the Freespira Breathing System to help those who struggle with symptoms of panic disorder and panic attacks. This FDA-cleared, clinically proven at-home therapy addresses a key physiological component of panic disorder. The System includes a handheld tablet computer with the Freespira Application (App) and a highly precise sensor that measures your breathing rate and the level of exhaled carbon dioxide in each breath. Those with panic disorder may not realize they are breathing differently than other people all the time, not just when they have a panic attack. The Freespira Breathing System teaches you to adjust your exhaled carbon dioxide level and breathing rhythm to normal patterns. The treatment takes only 4 weeks and has demonstrated to be safe and effective in several clinical studies. Some patients have reduced or eliminated panic symptoms and panic attacks in as little as 2 weeks.
For more information
Watch https://vimeo.com/133760901
visit www.freespira.com